Friday, March 04, 2005


Well I am just sitting here playing online games and just started thinking and figured I would go ahead and just blog. Life sucks sometimes you know, it is just weird, you cant stop thinking about things as much as you try and as bad as you want to forget things you cant. Wondering what I am thinking about?? Well him, lets give him a name....ok got it...Tim...well he is the guy that I was talking about before the one who caused a lot of drama for no reason..just changed who he was just as quick as changing the channel on the tv. No reasoning just weird behaviour, men weird I know that is a tough one to grasp...but that is a polite way of describing his I havent seen him around and dont really want to, well I did see him the other day, but didnt make any eye contact, dont want to, dont need to. Fuck knows what will happen. I was talking to someone here at work and said be careful he might just take me to the Human Resources dept here at work.Wanna know my reaction?? LIKE FUCK...lets just say I love to see him try and than when he realizes that I have reason myself to walk through those same doors...(not worth talking about) he will change his mind awefully anywho I miss talking to him as a friend, we used to have great conversations, talk about stuff that would actually make me think. I love my friends and I love talking on messenger, but typically the convos are about life and other everyday stuff. He helped me think of things in another moving on, going away and basically growing up. So I can thank him for that. Ok so like why the fuck am I thinking so nicely about him, when he is being impossible? Just the soft side of me, my mom always taught me to look at the good side of everyone and one of my faults is even when people screw me over (believe me I have been screwed over before) or even treat me like shit. Maybe I will write about that but I try not to dwell in the past and just move on. I just dont think I got any closure with this I am not happy with how this ended, I think I need to tell him to fuck off in person and than it will all just end it. Or if I get a new job, I will just never see or hear from him again, which would be fine too..All this shit for a friendship?? Man what am I smoking?? Well seriously nothing but I might just have to give a try....ugh!!! I always think of the movie Girls just wanna have fun...and always say from time to time... "Decisions are the worst" know bad 80's movie...anywho...back to the

....So My job interview, well I had another one yesterday am and man was it awesome. I loved it. The position is for management. And I am going for a second interview on monday and it is an interesting interview, I will be working a whole shift 8:30-5:30...basically working hands on with the company. They are new to the area. I really hope I get it, but on the other hand I really hate to leave my job here. I just made so many great friends and people always say they will keep in touch, but no one really does. I just have to look out for myself and get some experience in the business world. So anywho...I think that is about it for now,I will prally post next on tuesday!