Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Well lets see, I love saying that, I have a good friend I met online from Australia and he is rubbing off on me...well lets see it has been a few days since I last blogged...wonder what is going on with me?? Well here is another adventure for you..Friday..was an adventure. Remember how before I was talking about signs and things happening for a reason, well get this. Start off my day pretty good, go up to visit my friend on another floor, just gabbing..look up and who do I see?? Remember the confused guy who caused me alot of stress?? yep him..and he even looked right at me, smiled and nodded his head...ok so I am thinking is this the same freaking person who told me pretty much to stay away and not email him because it made him uncomfortable?? like what the fuck?? I dont know..so I am like ok..well whatever, I just turned my head, went on with my merry lil way and continued my day. Well everyone left and so I was just getting ready to end my shift, sign off my computer and take off for the weekend. I am getting ready, all of a sudden I hear this boo..well it is him again, he came down to chat with someone who works on the same floor as me...I have been on this floor since November...saw him a total of 3 times...well 4 if I count friday...he looks at me and I can feel him staring, I just did my own thing..put my sweater on and was walking out of the building, here at work, we have to get our purses checked my security so I did so, pushed the red button to unlock the door...turn around, force of habbit to see who is behind me..and guess who it is??? Well I am sure you know. This time he actually spoke to me and said hey, how you doing?? Well things always happen in three's right?? Well double that..it gets funnier...

My friend picks me up at work, we decide to grab a bite to eat, the night is young..so on our way to Sydney(the city..LOL) we are at the stop light, guess who is in 2 lanes over?? Like hello...if he is talking or thinking of me, can we get a sign to tell him to stop?? LOL... But atleast at this point I know there is no fear of bumping into him...well his nic on msn was "disappearing for the weekend". So we decide before we grab a bite to hop into the local Walmart...I love Walmart..lol..my fav place to go is makeup...hoping to find some great deals on stuff..I noticed there was a new brand of makeup..thinking I might be able to find a matching eye color at a cheaper price..make-up is freaking expensive, for those that dont know-so I think I am going to reach for the stuff I typically used..looked at the name..it was cool beans...something that he always said to me...claiming to have created that saying...ah hello...ever see South Park?? ahahah..so i put it back realizing it was the wrong one. So I grab the right color, go back to the cheap stuff pick something up to compare it to and the color..get this...is called COMPLICATED....needless to say, I burst into laughter, put the makeup down and left walmart....

if this was a dream I would just tell myself to lay off the chocolate...ahahah.but I dont know what to think. I am definately not talking to him, not approaching him..just because of the way he treated me...no reasoning behind the behaviour...the gals around me think he is realizing he made a huge ass mistake and doesnt want to bite the bullet and apologize...oh well like I said this is HIS problem not mine...but anywho that is about it...I sure wish I had other interesting stuff to blog about besides him...but it is funny....part of me hopes he gets this blog so he can read it all, but part of me is glad he doesnt...who knows what will happen than....

until next time...


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Well here it is...another thing happening to me? I am just not surprised...lol...

...ok well Monday was the second interview for the place I went on thursday for a whole day. Well I thought the position was for something management. Boy was I wrong. Showed up at 8:30 just as I was asked, was told I would be following around managers for the day seeing what they do and so forth. Well here I find out that they are peddlers. They basically go from store to store trying to push products. I would be a manager, but what I would manage is the duffel bag with the 3 umbrellas, 2 frames, 3 children's book and a drill set. So anywho...I thought I would go around with them for the day Give them the benefit of the doubt. Was told that I would have coffee and my dinner bought for me. So I thought ok cool, will get a meal. Well since everything they earn is based on what they sell, there was no money to get lunch. So I ate nothing...oh wait...yes I had a cracker that one guy stole from the break room in the hospital. So anywho...it was not fun, they were not nice to their customers. So we are going for a little drive, end up about 45 min away from where I live, still going from business to business...I let the guy drive my car because I had no clue where they were going. Buddy backing my car up, gets it stuck ina fucking ditch!!! At that point I am thinking wholly crap. Last post I was talking about signs and things happening for a reason...OMG...what else??? So needless to say I took control of my car and continued to drive around. Feeling confident they will atleast put gas in my car, or replace what they used. Went back to where I live, because they are not selling anything...not a good day...it was around 3 or so when I finally decided I am not interested in this job, so I tell him. And almost as soon as I tell him his attitude changed. He went from nice guy to major asshole. So most ppl would just leave and make them find their own way back, I figured I would atleast drive them around and help them out. Finally around 5pm, I drove them back to the office, dropped them off, let them take their shit out of my car and came time to get gas money. Jay was one of the guys that was with me, he said had to ask the boss, he would give me the gas money. Spoke to the boss, he said nope, get the money from Jay. Of course since they only made around 40 bucks each, he was pissed cuz he had to give me gas money...well hey cars gotta drive on something...I did get gas money, only 10 bucks...atleast it was something...well I also put 300 clicks on my car that day too. Lets just say the end of my day couldnt come sooner. It was an experience, I was not depressed about not getting the job. Just disappointed because I felt like I was mislead with the position I thought I was applying for. Lesson learned and glad I dont have to deal with them anymore..still on the hunt for a new job. It will be an adventure I am sure and when I get a new job, things will be better for me..or atleast I hope. And next time I go to a wholesale company, I know to ask questions...like will I be a peddler...lol...

anywho..other than that things are good...no other drama....still not talking to the other fella...found out we have the same exact shift...LOL..oh well better stay away, hate to make him feel uncomfortable...lol

later days

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sundays suck!

Wanna know why? Just cuz nothing is open and there is nothing to do, oh well. It has been along time since I was online at home. Working in front of a computer really makes me lose interest at home. So here is something weird I have had on my mind...signs..ever believe that things happen for a reason, or you know how you cant stop thinking of someone or something and right there in front of you something that reminds you of that person shows up. Like a guy you cant get out of your mind, every where you turn or just about every show you watch there is a character that shares the same name?? Well that is what has been following me around the past while. Or like when your ear starts ringing they say someone is talking about you?? I wonder if a lot of ppl think or believe any of that stuff. I know some of my friends do. The number 23...wholly crap, ok so for the longest time, I want to say years, maybe 6 or 7 years that number has been following me around, every time I was looking at the clock it was 10:23..all the time and just any hour followed by the number 23. Well the same thing happens to my other friend. She used to admire a hockey player and his number is 23..or was 23 on our local hockey team. but that number is every freaking where. Like even to the point where Walmart made clothes and put that number on it? Or even watching a movie and someone was away from something or someone for 23 years...am I losing it?? I am starting to think so, it is crazy. I am wondering if something life altering is going to happen on the 23rd?? Well it is not my bday, although my mother and grandmother's birthdays are on the 23rd of october and june. Who knows, Blogs are here to just talk about BS?? or what is on my mind..well that is what is up with me...I have been watching movies all day, just being lazy. Tomorrow is my big interview and I am starting to get nervous. I think I really want this job! But if I get my hopes up before I even show up for the interview I can prally get too nervous and mess things up. But anywho...that be it...

later days

Friday, March 04, 2005


Well I am just sitting here playing online games and just started thinking and figured I would go ahead and just blog. Life sucks sometimes you know, it is just weird, you cant stop thinking about things as much as you try and as bad as you want to forget things you cant. Wondering what I am thinking about?? Well him, lets give him a name....ok got it...Tim...well he is the guy that I was talking about before the one who caused a lot of drama for no reason..just changed who he was just as quick as changing the channel on the tv. No reasoning just weird behaviour, men weird I know that is a tough one to grasp...but that is a polite way of describing his behaviour...lol... I havent seen him around and dont really want to, well I did see him the other day, but didnt make any eye contact, dont want to, dont need to. Fuck knows what will happen. I was talking to someone here at work and said be careful he might just take me to the Human Resources dept here at work.Wanna know my reaction?? LIKE FUCK...lets just say I love to see him try and than when he realizes that I have reason myself to walk through those same doors...(not worth talking about) he will change his mind awefully quick..so anywho I miss talking to him as a friend, we used to have great conversations, talk about stuff that would actually make me think. I love my friends and I love talking on messenger, but typically the convos are about life and other everyday stuff. He helped me think of things in another way..like moving on, going away and basically growing up. So I can thank him for that. Ok so like why the fuck am I thinking so nicely about him, when he is being impossible? Just the soft side of me, my mom always taught me to look at the good side of everyone and one of my faults is even when people screw me over (believe me I have been screwed over before) or even treat me like shit. Maybe I will write about that but I try not to dwell in the past and just move on. I just dont think I got any closure with this I am not happy with how this ended, I think I need to tell him to fuck off in person and than it will all just end it. Or if I get a new job, I will just never see or hear from him again, which would be fine too..All this shit for a friendship?? Man what am I smoking?? Well seriously nothing but I might just have to give a try....ugh!!! I always think of the movie Girls just wanna have fun...and always say from time to time... "Decisions are the worst"...lol..I know bad 80's movie...anywho...back to the bitchin...lol...

....So My job interview, well I had another one yesterday am and man was it awesome. I loved it. The position is for management. And I am going for a second interview on monday and it is an interesting interview, I will be working a whole shift 8:30-5:30...basically working hands on with the company. They are new to the area. I really hope I get it, but on the other hand I really hate to leave my job here. I just made so many great friends and people always say they will keep in touch, but no one really does. I just have to look out for myself and get some experience in the business world. So anywho...I think that is about it for now,I will prally post next on tuesday!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well it never came...the snow didnt pound us, like they said it would. Thank God for that, I am relieved. I am kinda tired today..woke up early, have no reason why....maybe because I was so bored last night I ended up falling asleep around 10:30 or so, I was asleep before my grandmother..OMG...but oh well, so I got great news today I am so nervous. I have an interview for a new job tomorrow early. Had to make it early because my shift starts at the call centre at 11:am. So Tomorrow am, this body will be up early and out the door by 8:30am. I really want a new job and this is something that maybe I can get, my business degree atleast opened the door for me. Chances are I will not get hired, but atleast they took the time to contact me for an interview. Still nothing else going on...that is about it, so my blog is kinda boring...I might not write everyday. I am pretty content with life. I know this much, this girl needs a vacation...lol...so anywho, will probably write tomorrow..maybe depending on how the interview goes. So hope all is well!

later days...