Saturday, October 16, 2004

Ok Lets go wayyyyyyy not to far back, dont want to think of my parents producing me...mental pic...definately not see I was born in Halifax in the month of July...that would make me I was 3 my parents moved to California for a "better way of life" or as they thought was the best thing to do, we travelled by train, and that is where I spent about 13 years of my life..had quite and interesting life if I do say so myself. We lived in pretty cool places and when I was 5 my brother was born. We have always been close and to this day we still are. Which is something I am proud of. I went to a private school from the ages of 5-10. The school's name was Punkin School...yes Punkin...stupid name but had some great times there. It was a very productive school, lots of activities and I remember alot of play sad thing about the younger days is my parents had everything taped so if I want to watch myself be a ham, I can put in the old vhs tapes. Soon which will be is so weird, because I really dont remember doing a lot of school work, but I guess when you are that young, play time is more important. So lets see I had a lot of good friends there and eventually my brother ended up there the same time I was. Seems like my whole life we were together. Anywho...the funny thing is when I went to other schools as I got older, I ran into a lot of ppl in other schools and it was too funny. The ppl who ran the school were a married couple, Steve and Debbie Katch from what I remember they were a hippy couple, he had a bushy head of hair and a huge as mustache and she had long dark hair and always wore weird sunglasses...eventually they had a kid, his name is Dustin, and all I remember is her constantly breast feeding him, the tit was everywhere...lmao....what a sad life....but anywho they were really sweet and from what I know now the school is still there but they are divorced. The layout was a huge ass house in the front and in the backyard was the school and a huge sand box...they must have bought it that way, who knows tho...they could have been renting the place how would I know, I just went to play...bah...the one violent memory I have from there is the time in 1987 when there was a huge ass earthquake, my mother was driving us there and she was pregnant with my sister. The car just stopped and we were getting ready to open the door and the first quake hit, I think it was on the richter scale of 7.0..I think...well the car just moved like I never thought it could ever move back and forth and up and down...of course I am shitting in my pants...about 2 min later when it ended we ran into the school, of course when there is an earthquake you must go to a doorway, or under a table. There was no one in school, of course except Me, Mom,Joey,Steve, Kathy and mother went into the school because I was worried about my Dad and wanted to talk to him to make sure he was ok. We didnt want to go into the school because there are a lot of windows surrounding the whole school and if they break well than we would get hurt....I remember playing outside with my teddy ruxpin and Joey trying to break his lips off...I was 9 and he was 4 years old at the time....I am not sure how long we were there, but eventually we did try calling my dad and just as the phone rang the whole school started to shake was scary, I was crying and ended up dropping the phone on the floor and running under a table. My mother was outside yelling to me to get under a table. It was me and my buddy Dylan under the table that I think of it how cute is that...but anywho the shaking ended and my mom came running in and we talked to my Dad...that night we all went out for dinner....that was ohhh 17 years ago...gees how time flies...k well that is enough for now...I will write more later...